Last year, Tech-Takeback partnered with Interreg BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy and Brighton & Hove City Council to launch a Brighton & Hove chapter of the London-based Library of Things.
The Library of Things is an initiative that aims to provide affordable access to a wide range of items and tools which are commonly used but not frequently needed on a long-term basis. This approach enables communities to share items without the need for individual ownership, reducing waste, saving space and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. The pilot provided over 15 high quality tools for cleaning, DIY and gardening. In a six month period residents borrowed over 220 times - saving £5000 collectively, and preventing 1 tonne of waste from ending up in landfill. Following the pilot’s success,Tech-Takeback are pleased to announce the Brighton & Hove Library of Things will be continuing and have begun extending the catalog of items that are available. If you haven’t tried it, you can join Brighton & Hove Library of Things. Items are reserved online, and are collected and returned at the Revaluit shop at the bottom of North Street in central Brighton. Comments are closed.